Discount Programs
Veteran/ Military Discount
All veterans and active military personnel receive 5% off of their total retail plant purchases. This discount cannot be combined with any other discounts we offer.
Retail Volume Discount Program
We offer a yearly volume discount program for our retail customers. Once a customer reaches the purchase minimum for one of our discount memberships in a calendar year, they will be eligible to receive that tier’s corresponding discount on all future plant material, bulk good and hard good purchases made that same year with our nursery.
Discount Membership Cards/Tiers:
Enrollment Card: $200 minimum; No discount
Bronze Volume Discount Membership Card: $500 minimum; 5% discount
Silver Volume Discount Membership Card: $750 minimum; 7.5% discount
Gold Volume Discount Membership Card: $1000 minimum; 10% discount
Getting Started:
A customer can begin participating in our retail volume discount program in three ways: by asking for a card/to participate, by meeting the minimum for enrollment or by meeting one of the discount tier minimums.
Enrolling in the Program: Any customer that spends $200 during a transaction with our nursery (for plant material, hard goods and/or bulk goods) is eligible to enroll in our volume discount program and begin logging purchases towards one of our discount membership tiers. A customer who has reached this enrollment threshold, but not one of our discount membership minimums, will be given a card where they can track future purchases towards one of our discount tiers.
Meeting a Discount Tier Minimum: Customers who reach one of our discount tier minimums are eligible to begin participating in our retail volume discount program. When a customer meets a discount tier minimum, they will be given a corresponding membership card. They may use the discount they qualify for on their qualifying purchase, and this will be the first purchase tracked on their new discount membership card.
Using the Volume Discount for Future Purchases:
After a customer receives an enrollment or discount membership card for our volume discount program, it is their responsibility to present the card at future transactions to track any purchase they wish to have logged towards a membership or to use any discount they qualify for.
Program Rules:
Purchases/totals that are not logged on an enrollment or discount membership card cannot be used towards a higher volume discount membership tier. Similarly, if a customer fails to present their discount membership card at checkout, they will not be able to receive their card’s corresponding discount. Replacement of lost discount cards will be at the discretion of the nursery staff.
Qualifying retail customers may use one volume discount at checkout and may not combine this discount with any other discount the nursery offers. Our retail volume discounts cannot be used towards landscaping or installation projects.
Volume discount memberships do not roll over into the new calendar year. This program will restart for all retail customers on January 1 of every year.
Discount enrollment/membership cards may be used/shared within the same household, but not among friends, other family members, etc. Nursery employees have the right to ask card holders to present ID in order to match the name on the membership card to the card holder.
Wholesale Volume Discount Program
The wholesale volume discounts are on a yearly basis. After a company has been doing business for one year, they are able to qualify for volume discounts. The Gardener Nursery will review and change discounts on January 1 of each year. No discounts apply to landscaping, mulch, or hard goods.
$10,000.00 = 2% discount off of every plant purchase for one year
$25,000.00 = 5% discount off of every plant purchase for one year
$50,000.00 = 7.5% discount off of every plant purchase for one year
$100,000.00 = 10% discount off of every plant purchase for one year
If you have any questions about discounts for your company or how close you are to the next volume discount, please email Cameron@gardenernursery.com.